Russian BSF to Form Submarine Brigade, Commander Says

Training & Education


In 2016, a full-fledged submarine brigade will be shaped at Black Sea Fleet (BSF), RADM Alexander Fedotenkov, BSF Commander told Central Navy Portal on Feb 3.

The fleet will receive first three Project 636 diesel submarines in 2014; one sub will join the fleet in 2015; other two – in 2016, said BSF Commander. In addition, Project 877V diesel submarine Alrosa is expected to return to the fleet by 2016.

According to Fedotenkov, submarines will be stationed both at Naval Base Novorossiysk provided with a special quayside, and in Sevastopol.

Alexander Fedotenkov commented the need of trials for Project 677 Lada lead sub St. Petersburg: “I think, if trials of SSK St. Petersburg at deep seas are successful and all designed solutions are confirmed, it would be decided to complete two new hulls of the project”.

Naval Today Staff , February 07, 2012