Russian Defense Minister Arrives at Northern Fleet


Russian Defense Minister Arrives at Northern Fleet

Russian defense minister Anatoly Serdiukov arrives at Northern Fleet (NF) to attend the meeting ceremony of aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov returning from deployment, reports Central Navy Portal.

Apart from participating in the ceremony, the minister will hold a number of briefings with NF commanding staff.

According to press service of Russian Defense Ministry, Navy Commander-in-Chief ADM Vladimir Vysotsky also visits Northern Fleet since Feb 14. Purpose of his visit is to test effectiveness of combat training process and assess readiness of the fleet’s commanding staff for practical training in spring/summer period.

Expectedly, Vysotsky will accompany the minister at the meeting ceremony of aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and large ASW ship Admiral Chabanenko returned from the 2-month long cruise to the Mediterranean Sea.

Naval Today Staff , February 17, 2012; Image: vidovdan