Ukraine: Navy Admits Disability to Man Submarine

Training & Education

No specialists capable to serve in the Ukraine’s only submarine, said a source in Ukrainian Navy HQ.

“It should be admitted that Ukrainian Navy no longer has specialists suitable for submarine service. Perhaps, we would work on that matter jointly with Russian colleagues”, reports RIA Novosti citing the source.

The source made that statement in connection with sea trials to start on the Ukraine’s only submarine SSK Zaporizhzhia after the 20-year long repairs.

According to the source, the sub would take the sea on Apr 17; by that time, Zaporizhzhia will have to leave shipyard.

“Ukrainian Navy has no rescue ships to provide safe operation of the submarine, so our command addressed to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet with request to maintain sea trials of our submarine by rescue ships”, said the official.

According to preliminary information, the Ukrainian submarine will be assisted by Black Sea Fleet (BSF) rescue ship Kommuna and experts fr om BSF Rescue Ship Brigade.

As was reported by Vzglyad, Admiral Anatoly Komaritsyn said on Monday that Russia would face acute shortage of skilled submariners in the next five years.

Presently, such professionals serve, but in five years we will lack those who want and able to serve in submarine force wh erever it’d be needed“, warned the admiral who used to head Pacific Fleet Submarine Flotilla in 90’s.

Naval Today Staff , March 21, 2012;