Severnaya Verf Shipyard, Algerian Navy Sign Modernization Contract



Severnaya Verf shipyard and Algerian Navy signed a contract for integrated modernization of third pair of Project 1234E and Project 1159T ships. The contract was concluded under the agreement tied between FSUE Rosoboronexport and Algerian defense ministry.

At present, Severnaya Verf is completing modernization of second two Algerian warships (Project 1234E corvette and Project 1159T frigate). In June 2012, the ships will start shipyard’s sea trials and will be delivered to the customer in July.

In Feb 2011, Severnaya Verf had successfully upgraded and delivered first pair of ships to Algerian Navy (Project 1234E Rais Hamidou and Project 1159T Mourad Rais).

Modernized ships are equipped with up-to-date radars, radio communication systems, sonars, and missile strike systems. About 80% of onboard systems have been replaced during the overhaul works; service life of the ships became 10 years longer.

“In the course of modernization, the overaged assets have turned into warships of the 21-st century. This complicated task has been accomplished thanks to design studies and high technological discipline of production. Conclusion of another foreign contract indicates success of our shipyard at world surface shipbuilding market”, emphasized Andrei Fomichev, Director General of JSC Severnaya Verf.

By governmental decision, JSC Severnaya Verf is currently the only authorized supplier of Project 20380/20385 corvettes and Project 22350 frigates for Russian Navy.

In accordance with concluded contracts, Severnaya Verf is to build and deliver six Project 22350 frigates and six Project 20380/20385 corvettes to Russian Navy by 2020.

Naval Today Staff , April 09, 2012;