USS Wasp Hosts Navy Week Reception

Training & Education


The multi-purpose amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) hosted a reception April 18 during Navy Week New Orleans in commemoration of the War of 1812.

Numerous local, state, international and military officials, including the guest of honor, New Orleans Mayor Mitchell Landrieu,attended the reception to recognize and thank the city of New Orleans for hosting Navy Week.

“Thank you all for putting on this wonderful event,” said Landrieu. “The city of New Orleans played an important role in the War of 1812, and we are honored to have you here to help us celebrate such a historic event.”

In preparation for the reception, Wasp Sailors volunteered their time to assist in setting up and providing services during the event.

“The success of the reception was evident from the overall uplifting mood of the attendees and the positive attitude the crew demonstrated while serving everyone,” said Teets. “It’s very important for us to show our appreciation to the citizens of New Orleans for hosting all of us during this commemoration.”

Tours of the ship were provided to guests interested in seeing Wasp’s war fighting and humanitarian capabilities prior to the reception in the hangar bay.

“I enjoyed the entire event to no end; it was fabulous,” said William White, a maritime historian who attended the reception. “As an old ‘sea dog’ myself, I always enjoy it when I get to come out and see a U.S. naval vessel.”

U.S. Naval Forces Band provided entertainment along with a performance by the National World War II Museum’s Victory Belles, a trio of vocalists dedicated to performing musical classics of the World War II era. The event concluded with guests watching a Navy Week fireworks display from Wasp’s berth on the Mississippi River.

“This reception was an experience to remember,” said Electronics Technician 3rd Class Leroy Smith, a server during the reception. “These moments are what we live for as U.S. Navy Sailors.”

During Wasp’s stay in New Orleans, Sailors and Marines will have time to enjoy the sites and culture of the surrounding area, while participating in a multitude of community relations projects designed to lend a helping hand to the local community during the War of 1812 Bicentennial Commemoration.

Source: Navaltoday Staff, April 23, 2012;