CR-13 Exercise to Test US Navy’s Preparedness for Natural Disaster

Training & Education


Commander, U.S. Navy Installations Command (CNIC) will conduct Citadel Rumble 2013 (CR-13) exercise Aug. 20 – 22.

CR-13 is a fully integrated, annual capstone disaster preparedness response and recovery exercise designed to evaluate Navy shore-based commands and installation emergency preparedness in response to an all hazards scenario.

Navy Regions Midwest (NRMW), Northwest (NRNW) and Southwest (NRSW) are participating in this exercise.

CR-13 is designed to provide a focused training environment for afloat and shore-based commands to exercise damage assessment, evacuation plans, personnel accountability, disaster preparedness, recovery and consequence management plans and procedures.

All U.S. Navy commands with personnel in these regions will participate. This participation will include reviewing and exercising disaster instructions and procedures, as well as fully accounting for Sailors and Navy families in the affected regions through the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System.

Press Release, August 14, 2013; Image: US Navy