RFA Lyme Bay Keeps Operational Capability

Training & Education

RFA Lyme Bay Keeps Operational Capability

Onboard RFA Lyme Bay, which is part of European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta, the Boarding teams from the Fleet Contingency Troop and K Company 43 Commando Royal Marines have taken advantage of the Lynx MK 8 that embarked from RFA Fort Austin to practice fast roping techniques.

Each stick of the boarding team conducted 3 separate fast roping exercises, each from different heights and to a different location on Lyme Bay: from the flight deck up to the forecastle. This training is part of the effort to maintain the skills of the boarding team and their operational capability.

Fast roping can be useful and necessary to board a vessel in a different way than using normal boats. They also conducted a small arms shoot across the flight deck of Lyme Bay in order to maintain their military skills.

RFA Lyme Bay joined EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation Atalanta on October 16 and will be part of the mission until half November.

Press Release, November 11, 2013; Image: EUNAVFOR