Australian Navy Launches Seaworthiness Strategy


Australian Navy’s path to a mature Seaworthiness system was launched by Commander Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Stuart Mayer, during the HMAS Success & Sirius Seaworthiness Board on 29 July.

Rear Admiral Mayer said:

The Fleet Seaworthiness Strategy provides assurance that Navy’s required capability is being delivered in a safe and effective way, it describes how the Seaworthiness system will operate across the Fleet.

The key to effective implementation of Seaworthiness is the involvement of all members of the Navy, and those that support Navy, in achieving our mission.

The Fleet Seaworthiness Strategy covers the period up until 2018, and is closely aligned with the Navy Strategy, Plan Pelorus.

A key hallmark of the Fleet Seaworthiness Strategy is creating justified confidence in the Seaworthiness system. This is done through evidence-based assurance, taking into account all relevant hazards and work health and safety risks in Navy’s operating environment.

The Fleet Seaworthiness Strategy builds on a number of initiatives already implemented, including the Sea Release Assurance Framework, improvements to risk and safety systems and remediation of some assessment activities.

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Image: Australian Navy