GALLERY: Russian largest landing hovercraft performs artillery firing at sea


The crew of the Russian Navy’s Mordovia hovercraft, which belongs to the class of largest air-cushioned landing craft in the world, recently performed artillery firing with 30mm AK-630 automated systems and practiced coast assault operations near Khmelevka range in the Kaliningrad region.

The Russian Navy said Mordovia performed the drill in preparation for the “Cup of Sea – 2016” contest.

Moreover, the servicemen also held exercises on ship damage control and NBC protection in sea.

Apart from Mordovia, the Russian Navy has one more Zubr-class hovercraft, the Yevgeny Kocheshkov. Apart from Russia, the hovercraft are operated by Ukraine and Greece.

According to IHS Jane’s the Zubr-class landing craft has a cargo area of 400 square metres (4,300 sq ft) and a fuel capacity of 56 tons. It can carry three main battle tanks (up to 150 tonnes), or ten armored vehicles with 140 troops (up to 131 tonnes).