Damen delivers ballistic protected patrol vessels to Nigeria

Equipment & technology

Dutch shipbuilder Damen has delivered four of its Damen SPa 1605 ballistic protected security patrol vessels to C&I Leasing, a Nigerian provider of offshore support vessels.

According to Damen, the patrol boats will be used to provide security patrol and escort services for LNG tankers calling in and out of the Nigerian LNG Bonny terminal.

The 16-metre craft have aluminium hulls and GRP composite superstructures. The accommodation has been additionally clad with bullet-proof materials to protect the personnel inside. All four vessels also feature upgraded water jets and engines.

The four patrol boats were fitted out at Damen Shipyards Gorinchem and delivered to Nigeria as a single batch at the beginning of April 2016. An eight metre RHIB for up to 10 passengers was also delivered as part of the package.

After sales support is provided by a Damen Service Hub which was opened in Port Harcourt in early 2015. The hub also delivers on-site training and clears and delivers spare parts for the vessels.

Martin Verstraaten, Damen Regional Service Manager Africa, says: “The establishment of the Service Hub ensures a local presence with quick response times with Field Service Engineers and a local Site Manager on the ground.”

While receiving the boats in Lagos, Wisdom Nwagwu, General Manager of C&I Leasing, disclosed that the NLNG contract, which was signed in late 2014, was for a five-year firm period with an option of a one-year extension and a cumulative option to a maximum of three years.

While commenting on the partnership with Damen, Nwagwu mentioned that this set of boats brought the number of Damen-built boats in their fleet up to seven.