Russian frigate Admiral Kasatonov begins state trials


The Russian Navy’s second Project 22350 frigate, Admiral Kasatonov, has begun state trials ahead of the ship’s delayed delivery which is expected to take place by the end of the year.

Photo: Northern Shipyard

According to the Northern Shipyard, Admiral Kasatonov has already passed a number of checkpoints, including tests of the main power plant, communication and navigation systems, deck mechanisms, and crew living conditions.

The frigate, which is now in the Northern Fleet’s area of ​​responsibility, is set to start weapons and flight operations tests in November.

Admiral Kasatonov first took to sea in December 2018 after starting construction in 2009.

Russia’s Project 22350 frigate program was delayed in part by complications caused by the refusal of Ukrainian company Zorya-Mashproyekt to deliver gas turbines to the ships following the 2014 Crimea conflict and in part by technical issues caused by the incorporation of more complex equipment and technology.

Project 22350 frigates displace 5,000 tons, measure 135 meters in length and have a cruising range of 4,500 miles.

They feature the Poliment-Redut naval surface to air defense system, which was reportedly one of the reasons behind the delay in the delivery of the lead ship in the class, and launchers for 16 Onyx or Kalibr anti-ship missiles. A Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopter will also be embarked.