Russian Navy’s 2nd Project 22350 frigate continues testing in Barents Sea


On February 20, 2020, the Russian Navy frigate of Project 22350, Admiral Flota Kasatonov, entered the Barents Sea to continue the test program.

Photo: Russian Defense Ministry

In the Northern Fleet combat training grounds, the new frigate will work out maneuvering, testing systems and mechanisms, the Russian defense ministry said.

Yesterday, the ship’s crew tested the interaction with the aircraft. Four Su-24 of the Northern Fleet Air Force and Air Defense aircraft flew the frigate’s radio equipment.

Earlier, in the water area of the Barents Sea, the frigate fired artillery at sea and coastal targets and carried out a number of other elements of the test program.

What is more, the frigate’s missile weapons complex was tested in the White Sea. The ship’s crew fired a Kalibr cruise missile at a coastal target located on the Chizha range in the Archangel region and fired Kalibr and “Onyx” cruise missiles at sea target positions in the White Sea.

In late December 2019, Admiral Kasatonov got underway from Saint Petersburg to start builder’s trials. They encompassed navigation and communications systems, maneuverability and performance tests. The testing program also included artillery and rocket firing.

The newbuild is the second ship of the navy’s new Admiral Gorshkov class so far encompassing six units. The ships of this class are being built at Severnaya Verft in Saint Petersburg.

Admiral Gorshkov, the lead ship of Project 22350, was commissioned in 2018. All vessels are planned to be completed by 2025.

Project 22350 frigates displace 5,000 tons, measure 135 meters in length and have a cruising range of 4,500 miles.


Russian frigate Admiral Kasatonov begins state trials