ECA Group to supply steering and diving consoles for ROK Navy’s subs

Equipment & technology

French company ECA Group has been selected to supply its steering and diving consoles (SNDC) for the South Korean Navy’s submarines.

ECA Group
Credit: ECA Group

As disclosed, this is the company’s fifth consecutive contract for the ROK Navy’s submarines.  ECA Group has already delivered its SNDC on Batch I of three KSS-III submarines and on the first submarine of Batch II.

Performing long and challenging missions in a restricted environment, navies require secure and innovative equipment. The SNDC allows the submarine to perform highly accurate and efficient motions, according to the company. It manages the 3D motion of submarines and controls diving planes and rudder. Furthermore, it comes with a numerical autopilot which includes several control modes.

The ROK Navy has already confirmed that ECA Group’s SNDC meets its operational requirements onboard its 5 KSS-III submarines. The collaboration started back in 2014.

Currently, ECA Group is also working on Belgian-Dutch mine countermeasures vessels (MCMV) program. The firm has been selected to provide its INSPECTOR 125-class unmanned surface vehicle (USV) for the program.

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