US clears possible FMS of up to 38 SM-6 BLK I missiles to South Korea

Equipment & technology

The US State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Republic of Korea of Standard Missile 6 Block I (SM-6 Blk I) and related equipment.

Raytheon Missile & Defense

As informed, the Government of the Republic of Korea has requested to buy up to 38 SM-6 BLK I missiles.

Also included are MK 21 Vertical Launch System (VLS) canisters; obsolescence Engineering, Integration, and Test (EI&T) materiel and support; handling equipment; spares; training and training equipment and aids.

Furthermore, the deal encompasses technical publications and data; U.S. Government and contractor engineering and technical assistance, including related studies and analysis support; product support; materiel and support for demonstration and interoperability live fire events.

The estimated total program cost is $650 million.

This proposed sale is expected to support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a major ally that is a force for political stability and economic progress in the Indo-Pacific region.

The principal contractor will be Raytheon Missiles and Defense.

Last year, the US State Department made a determination approving a possible foreign military sale to the Government of Japan of SM-6 Block I missiles and related equipment.

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