Russian Navy’s Baltic Fleet ships hunt down enemy subs

Training & Education

Russian Navy’s Aleksin and Kabardino-Balkariya small anti-submarine ships have practiced searching, detecting and eliminating mock enemy submarines within bipartite command exercise held in the naval training areas of the Baltic Fleet.

Russian Navy

Baltic Naval Base’s small anti-submarine ships have practiced searching, detecting, sustaining contact and tracking, as well as countering mock enemy submarines using anti-submarine weaponry.

Photo: Russian Navy

The naval crews succeeded in classifying the target and eliminating it using anti-submarine armament.

The anti-submarine ships have practiced shooting with RBU-6000 rocket-assisted bomb launchers, as well as launching torpedos.

Moreover, the crews attended training dedicated to repelling mock enemy air attacks from various altitudes and directions, as well as to live shooting with shipborne air defence facilities.

At the beginning of September, Russian corvette Gremyashchy of the Pacific Fleet fired a Kalibr cruise missile at a naval target in the Sea of Okhotsk during exercise Vostok 2022.

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The missile successfully hit the target at a distance of over 300 kilometers. Under the conditions of firing, the missile’s trajectory was complicated by the rounding of natural obstacles.

This was the first time such a firing was carried out in the Russian Navy.

In the course of the exercise, more than 10 ships of the Pacific Fleet closed the area dangerous for navigation.